Document Management

Summary of business vision provides a number of services to our existing and future clients. Essentially, we help companies with document and information management. This helps them with GDPR and revenue compliance, some of our solutions involve in house and outsourcing, our solution is unique in that it facilitates companies retrieving the information for many years to come, regardless of their operating system. Our clients include Analog Devices , Stryker, Lufthansa, Regeneron, CPL to name but a few.


Usual Process

Initially we meet with new clients and listen to their needs for the best solution that will work for them.

We take a sample of Documents and sort, scan and index as required.

We return completed sample and go through process of retrievals etc with client.

We then submit pricing and arrange starting date for project.

If the Document Management Project is completed off site, we will facilitate any document retrievals while in the scanning process.

Deliver completed Project to client and answer any queries they may have.


Pricing Strategy prides itself on quality and the standard we can stand over, and accordingly we price our solution based on what the customer can afford and deliver (obviously we will try and match the customers budget in terms of solution) 



We already work with the go digital theme, we help all our clients with digital transformation facilitating remote working so all the information the company requires is in a cloud based structured environment. We would love to help more clients to become more efficient and facilitate the work from anywhere environment.